FZU Computing Center
WLCG Data Challenge 24
During the second week of the DC24 (WLCG Data Challenge) from Monday 2/19 10am to Friday 2/23 10pm we had an average speed of 51.6 Gbps with a peak hourly average of 75.9 Gbps. In the direction from us, an average of 43.5 Gbps was transferred with a maximum of 71.1 Gbps. So in total we received 2.5 PB of data and sent 2.1 PB in 4.5 days.…
Meeting with users
On November 30, 2023, a traditional meeting with users of the Computing Center took place in the Solid-21 hall. We presented the transition to a new website managed by WordPress, minor changes in system settings and hardware changes that have taken place and are planned. We discussed the most common problems with users.…
Central monitoring of network traffic
Our center became the 5th center in the entire WLCG (out of more than a hundred participating centers) where we have implemented central monitoring of network traffic. This is important for the planning and running the Network Challenge 2024 as well as for standard operations. Compared to CERN, our traffic is small, but it still reaches 100 Gbps at peak times. On the graph for the last eight hours, the maximum average transfer in a ten-minute interval is 50 Mbps (the graph uses units of MBytes/sec, it is necessary to multiply by 8 for Mbps).…